Since December 2018 I am with periods living in Botopasi Suriname, and in these last 5 years became quite connected with the community of the small village deep inside the Amazon forest in Suriname. Most of my best ‘matties’ (friends) are kids. Sometimes I pick them up at 1 pm when the school finishes and I realized that this EBG primary school wasn’t maintained for over the last 20 years. The state of the school was in a completely disappointing state. Everywhere leakages, wooden doors were rotten from the inside and on the verge of falling apart, toilets were leaking too. Kids were sitting on broken wooden chairs and tables with holes in them. The walls of the schools weren’t cleaned or repainted for all this time, and chalkboards were very few, small and broken too. There were no sinks for kids to clean their hands and I did clean their hands in buckets that were placed to collect the water from leakages, standing on the ground. It was poignant and heartbreaking to see, so I decided to so something about. I made some documentation photos and videos of the state of the school, edited a video and started fundraising money over my own network. Together with 130 donators I’ve collected 15,200 euro and from this budget the school got renovated and painted with some more joyful color and my partner and I made wall paintings in the open spaces in between the classrooms where kids usually hang out and wash their hands or dishes.