<CONNECTION> is a performance and social intervention, addressing the idea of connectedness. The performance by Dutch artist Anouk Kruithof shows how colour can be used to erase social features and how people’s bodies together can become a sculptural whole. The group of performers dressed in several monochrome colours forms a circle together, changing position in sync. Through rhythm, movement and colour the performance creates harmony; seducing the public into spontaneously documenting it. On the SPBH Instagram account the public can upload their photos and videos by using the #makingmemeries tag. Two monitors show the feed of this Instagram account and its ongoing activity. The feed on Instagram builds a bridge between the physical (offline) and the digital (online) experience of the performance. It propagates the harmony. The public and two monitors together become the author of the Instagram feed, blurring the authorship. The performance <CONNECTION> underlines the importance of community on and offline.
21.05.2016 SPBH Making Memories, Offprint at Tate Modern, London