Playing Borders (this contemporary state of mind)

2009 | installation, photos, artist-book + special edition

A sense of anomie and absurd nature is visible, which is read as a metaphor for the tormented man in today’s society. Kruithof breathes new life into the materials she found in the office, through processing peculiar temporary. Playing Borders is a conceptual and poetic work where Kruithof weaves photography, installation and performance together. Both the project installed in an exhibition space as it’s form as an unbounded artist-book including pamphlets, postcards and a poster call a strong physical experience.

Playing borders this contemporary state of mind is a fictional photographic essay which Kruithof developed at the beginning of 2008 right at before the start of the economic crisis in Europe. Kruithof got a squatted, 600 square meter big abandoned office space as her temporary studio and started to imagine a doomsday scenario for Western society. Playing Borders has a frenetic energy. It is chaotic and on the verge of falling apart—as is its subject, which is an almost empty, generic office space in which workers create performances.


08.09–11.09.2011 The Second Act, A festival on photography, De Brakke Grond Amsterdam
16.10–24.05.2010 Quickscan #1, Het Nederlands Fotomuseum Rotterdam
19.03–04.04.2010 SPWTP&E Time to meet photography festival Antwerp